
Home Counseling


The Counseling Office

The IBOS Counseling Office prepares our students to reflect and discover meaningful career paths for themselves. Our team is driven by a desire to help see students succeed both in college admissions as well as at college. We focus on finding the sweet spot between college opportunities and college fit. Our program is built around one-on-one Conversation, enjoying the journey, and apt reminders about academic & portfolio performance, time management, multi-tasking and staying ahead of the application curve. We believe that the college application process help our students grow, both in terms of their self-awareness, as well as in discovering the opportunities that are out there for them. Since we work with students with diverse background, our counseling office has built strengths across unique college application processes, and relationships with colleges around the world.

Career Counseling

In a VUCA world, the career opportunities of tomorrow remain elusive. What’s hot today might not remain so tomorrow. With this spirit, we ask our students to solely focus on identifying their own talents, personalities, attitudes, values and strengths. Through a series of proprietary tools, assessments, and exercises, we helps students identify their Transferable skills, areas of expertise, interests, and economic needs. Our secret mantra? Know thyself, and chase excellence over breadth.

Career Direction

At IBOS, we believe in the student being SMART policy.

S- Specific

A specific Career Goal is instrumental in shaping the beginning of the career path.

M- Measurable

For measuring the progress, the student needs to finish his exams, write a CV, send it to universities of his liking and Gain an offer letter from the university for acceptance.

A- Attainable

Setting goals which are attainable and well within the student’s reach.

R- Realistic

Goals should always be realistic in terms of time, knowledge and available resources.

T- Time Bound

A specific time frame so as to feel motivated and keep you on track to achieve your overall career plan.